May 12 - Shediac River
We had four hearty folks out for tonight's paddle. Rather than head out into the bay, we went up-the-creek (Bateman's Creek) all the way to
Bateman's Mills, a distance of 12.3KM according to the GPS. We spotted a couple of eagles, kingfishers, and possibly a muskrat (but it didn't have one of those tags like you see in the museums, so I wasn't sure). The wind was relatively calm, but for most of the paddle, we did have a light rain - no big deal when you're dressed for it, but it did make for some cold fingers.
May 19 - Aboiteau Wharf - Northumberland Straits
Great paddle Wednesday night. Nine members showed up for an approximately 15km paddle. The weather was warm and sunny with a light breeze. Some got wet, as usual, playing in the very shallow surf. A couple finished up the evening practicing their rolls. The water is already starting to warm up.
May 22 - Buctouche Dunes from St Thomas
Well, that was the plan anyway, but the wind and waves conspired against us. The wind was running about 25KM, with two foot waves, coming from the south. This would have meant about 4KM of exposed paddling with the wind and waves hitting broadside. And it was cold.
So we moved to the upper reaches of the Buctouche River - west of Sainte Marie de Kent. We had a nice
leisurely paddle up the river to Coates Mills. On the way we spotted the usual array of birds, a beaver, and a large grey seal - somewhat unexpected this far from salt water, but I guess the fishing was good. He/she was somewhat curious and came to within touching distance - but this being a wild animal; we kept our fingers to ourselves.
Nice paddle, 7.3KM.
May 26 - Cassie Cape
Burrrrrr. OK, it was overcast and cold - temperature almost 13C, wind speed about 13kph. Four of us paddled for about an hour-and-a-half, and then called it a night. We were all having problems with rogue waves; my GPS recorded a maximum speed of 11.3kph. At one point I performed a 90-degree turn in under 2-seconds - sure got the heart-rate up. Surfing towards a wall of rocks is also not a preferred sport.
Nobody was in the mood for rolls or wet-exits, fortunately none were required.