August 16 - Buctouche Inner Bay Paddle
Four of us had a relaxing paddle. We had initially planned on going to the Dunes, but the big black clouds changed our destination to something with a little more cover. As a second choice, we paddled to Le Pays de la Sangouine. Relaxing paddle, dramatic sky.
August 23 - Aboiteau Wharf
Talk about a change in the weather, as you can see from the pictures, it was almost glass-calm when we departed, and somewhat windy – upwards of 30kph – when we turned around to paddle back. Well, it went from a somewhat blasé paddle to one with some excitement involved. But we had a beautiful sunset!
August 26 – Alma, NB
We had only 4 turn out for this paddle, and while the weather looked unpredictable, so was the forecast. Anyway, we decided to follow the cliffs to the west as we left Alma, and impressive cliffs they are. We took it easy, and used the currents whenever possible, and covered less than 10km.
August 30 – Cassie Cape
Although the weather again looked like it was going to dump on us, a front moved through and the six of us found ourselves bathed in sunshine. We had a couple of novices (relatives), and only a two-hour window before sunset, so we didn’t put a lot of distance on it.