August 17 - Cap Lumière
We have been doing some paddles, but I've missed a couple due to a deck
rehab project, and it's been windy.
This 12.3k paddle was attended by 7 paddlers.
We saw a number of seals in the water but they were too cautious to come within
the puny zoom range of our waterproof cameras.
August 23/24/25 - Campebello Island
Another good turnout with great weather. Skill levels varied here so
paddlers tended to get strug out over a wide area.
Seals Video
August 28 - Shediac Island
Twelve paddlers turned out for the last Wednesday Evening paddle of the season.
While the forecast was for strong winds, it was not totally wrong, it was just
later than expected making for a more exciting paddle for the last couple of