June 1 - Bateman's
Nice day for a paddle. We decided to go up Bateman's Brook. As you can see,
there was some traffic congestion when we arrived at the culvert.
About 13 paddlers made it out for the first weekend paddle of the season.
June 4 - Aboiteau Wharf
We had 11 turn out for this First Wednesday evening paddle of the season.
The weather was chancy, with a possibility of showers. As you can see from
the photos, it was in the area but didn't open on us until we had the boats on
the roof-racks.
June 8 - Buctouche Dunes - South End
We had 15 turnout for this 14km paddle. Great weather, lots of sun, not too hot, not
to windy.
June 11 - Bourgeois / Caissie Cape
Eight turned out for this 9km paddle.
June 28 - Shediac Island
We've had OVER 6-inches of rain this month, not every day was raining, some just
had gale-force winds.
Well, we finally had a fantastic day, bright sun, almost no wind. Seven
paddlers, clearing the cobwebs out of our boats made this 11km paddle.